Many of you will be working with companies to receive internship credit this semester, and let me say congratulations on securing a position to attain valuable field experience. Please be safe and make sure that the companies that you are working with are doing their best to protect your safety.
You will enroll in LA 1711 LC Internship 1, LA 2711 LC Internship2, or LA 3711 LC Internship 3 in Banner if you have been released for registration for your Internship Semester.
The first step to take after enrolling for the Internship course is to read through the Internship course package. The Student/Company Registration packages for each internship are attached, along with the corresponding Weekly Logs that are required to be submitted (saved by you weekly, submitted to me monthly) over the course of your internship.
The second step, after you have read through the Internship packet, is to submit a copy to your Interning Company for them to fill out Pages 8-16. Review these pages with your Internship Supervisor, and make sure that you are aware of their proposed AREAS OF INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE.
During your internship, you will save your Weekly Logs each week. The Excel logs have each day of the week as a column, and a list of tasks as a row. Enter the number of hours that you worked on a certain task in the day's column that you performed it. If your task isn't listed, use the "Other" row and give a short descriptive title to the row. Submit your weekly forms at the end of each month worked, please submit them by the 5th day of the following month.
If you have any questions about any part of these instructions, please contact me at
Have fun, be safe, be a good employee, and learn about the things you're most interested in (especially if it will help us at the National Collegiate Landscape Competition!).
Landscape Contracting and Management Internship Forms
- LA 1711 LC Internship I
- LA 2711 LC Internship II
- LA 3711 LC Internship III
- Weekly Log Intern I
- Weekly Log Intern II
- Weekly Log Intern III
Landscape Architecture Internship Form