Peter Summerlin
Associate Professor
Graduate Coordinator
Email: ps111@msstate.edu
Phone: 662-325-3668
Mailing Address:
Box 9725
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Box 9725
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Office: LA Facility, Suite C115
845-3 Stone Blvd.
845-3 Stone Blvd.
- M.L.A., Louisana State University
- B.L.A., Mississippi State University
- Computers in Landscape Architecture
- Construction 1: Materials
- Exterior Design/Build
- Design Studio 5: Regional Design
- Graduate Design Studio 4: Case Study
- Landscape Seminar 4: Contemporary Design Issues
Professional Experience:
- Professional in Residence; Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
- Associate; Dana Brown & Associates, Baton Rouge, LA
- Associate; McCrory & Associates, Madison, MS
- Community Development; City of Madison, Madison, MS
- Associate ASLA (American Society of Landscape Architects)
- LEED Accredited Professional (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design)
Walker, J. B., P. R. Summerlin. 2020. Connecting lonoke: Enhancing student learning through community engagement. 13th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. Download
George, B. H., P. R. Summerlin, T. Fulford. 2019. Teaching and learning software in landscape architecture: A survey of software use amongst faculty and students. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture 4(2019):354-362. Download
Chen, H., W. C. Gallo, P. R. Summerlin. 2018. Social innovation education fulfill community service responsibility: Analysis on the design/build series courses of the Department of Landscape Architecture, Mississippi State University. Zhauangshi Journal 304(8):120-123.
Seymour, M. W., P. R. Summerlin. 2018. Evidence and deception: A historic photo-analysis method for landscape studies. Landscape Journal 36(2):91-109. Download
Seymour, M. W., P. R. Summerlin. 2018. The usefulness and meaning of rural greenways: User experience at the Tanglefoot Trail in Northeast Mississippi. Landscape Research Record 7:190-199. Download
Summerlin, P. R., B. H. George, C. T. Fulford. 2017. Which software are you teaching? A survey of design software usage in landscape architecture curriculum. The International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design 11(4):1-11.
Summerlin, P. 2015. Visualizing contours for the beginning design student. Proceedings of the National Conference on the Beginning Design Student.