Landscape Architecture

The profession of landscape architecture offers students the opportunity to engage in shaping the environmental and cultural landscape through planning and design to improve quality of life. The Mississippi State University Landscape Architecture programs teach the artful synthesis of social and ecological processes related to planning, designing, building and managing regenerative communities in Mississippi and the Northern Gulf Region, within a global perspective. Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLA) program experience an immersive, intense, and rewarding education structured around a studio environment that promotes critical thinking and creative problem solving. The department is dedicated to providing a high-quality education for our students, through small class sizes and one-on-one interaction between student and faculty. The BLA program is the only accredited bachelor of landscape architecture degree program in the three state region of Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee.
Academic Common Market
Residents of Alabama, Delaware, and Tennessee may attend Mississippi State University and major in Landscape Architecture at in-state tuition rates through the Academic Common Market. Find out more about the Academic Common Market. States offering this opportunity are subject to change.
Accelerated Program
Highly qualified undergraduates (GPA of 3.0 or higher) in professional design programs are encouraged to apply to the Accelerated MLA Program. This program permits students to earn up to 16 hours of graduate level coursework during their junior and senior years of undergraduate studies. Students take graduate level courses and earn both undergraduate credit and graduate credit simultaneously. Students need to consult with a potential graduate advisor to ensure graduate credit could be applied to a Program of Study for the graduate degree. Application to this program may be made at the end of the sophomore or the junior year (i.e., after completion of 60 or more hours of graded undergraduate courses).
The BLA program is accredited by the Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board and is the only accredited bachelor of landscape architecture degree program in the three state region of Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee. LAAB accredited programs are required to provide reliable information to the public. Programs must report on accreditation status and its performance. This information is to help potential students make informed application decisions. To review this information, click here.
The Occupational Outlook Handbook from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated 24,500 jobs in 2019. All states require landscape architects to be licensed. Licensing requirements vary by state but usually include at least a bachelor’s degree in landscape architecture from an accredited school, internship experience, and may include passing an examine. The median annual wage for landscape architects was $70,630 in May 2020.
Computer Requirements
All students in Landscape Contracting and Management are required to have their own personal computer. Please see the department specific guidelines prior to purchasing a computer.
Students may apply for university, college and departmental scholarships through one application. You can find the scholarship application once you login to myState. Under the banner tab, select Financial Aid and Scholarships. The application is listed as Submit/Revise General Scholarship Application.
Transfer Students
Students may transfer to Mississippi State University from regionally accredited community, junior or senior colleges for any period of enrollment, provided they have earned a 2.0 GPA (as computed by Mississippi State University) on all college courses attempted as well as earned a 2.0 GPA on the 30-hours of core courses. Transfer students should look at the transfer course equivalent guide to determine which courses will transfer.
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